# 7.3.1 在列表之间移动元素

# confirmed_users.py

SRE实战 互联网时代守护先锋,助力企业售后服务体系运筹帷幄!一键直达领取阿里云限量特价优惠。

# 首先,创建一个待验证用户列表

# 和一个用于存储已验证用户的空列表

uncomfirmed_users = ['james','star','wendy']

comfirmed_users = []

# 验证每个用户,直到没有未验证用户为止

# 将每个经过验证的列表都移到已验证用户列表中

while uncomfirmed_users:
  current_user = uncomfirmed_users.pop()  # pop.() 默认移除列表中最后一个元素

  print("Verifying use: " + current_user.title())
  comfirmed_users.append(current_user)  # 空列表已经在这段码块中更新
# 显示所有已验证的用户
print("\nThe following users have been comfirmed:")
for comfirmed_user in comfirmed_users:


# 7.3.2 删除包含特定值的所有列表元素
pets = ['dog','cat','goldfish','cat','rabbit','tigger','cat','chick']

# 循环寻找列表中的'cat',并且移除所有'cat',直到列表中没有这条信息

while 'cat' in pets:


# 7.3.3 使用用户输入来填充字典
# mountain_poll.py
responses = {}
polling_active = True

while polling_active:

# input()函数,提示用户需要输入信息
name = input("What's your name?")
response = input("Which mountain would you like to climb someday?")

# 字典 {'keys','values'} 等效于 keys = values,name = response

responses[name] = response

repeat = input("would you like to let another person repond? (yes/no)")
if repeat == 'no':
polling_active = False

print("\n---Poll Result---")
for name, response in responses.items():
print(name.title() + " would like to climb " + response + ".")

# 7-8 熟食店
sandwich_orders = ['tomato','potato','vegetable']
finished_sandwiches = []

while sandwich_orders:
  current_sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop()

print(current_sandwich + ", I made your tuna sandwich.")

print("All the sandwiches are finished.")
for finished_sandwich in finished_sandwiches:

# 7-9 五香烟熏牛肉
sandwich_orders = ['tomato','pastrami','potato','pastrami','vegetable','pastrami']
finished_sandwiches = []
while 'pastrami' in sandwich_orders:

print("Pastrami sold out!")

while sandwich_orders:
  current_sandwich = sandwich_orders.pop()

print(current_sandwich + ", I made your tuna sandwich.")

print("All the sandwiches are finished.")
for finished_sandwich in finished_sandwiches:

# 7-10 梦想的度假胜地

responses = {}

polling_active = True
while polling_active:
  name = input("What's your name?")
response = input("If you could visit one place in the world," +
" where would you go?")
responses[name] = response

repeat = input("Would you like to let another person respond? (yes/no) ")
if repeat == 'no':
  polling_active = False

print("---Poll Result---")
for name, response in responses.items():
  print(name.title() + " would like to visit " + response + ".")

拒绝背锅 运筹帷幄